“Why did the roofer go to the doctor? ANSWER: Because he had a bad case of shingles! Roofers love roofing jokes. I hope that last one wasn’t over your head. Truth is most of us became roofers because we wanted to be looked up to. Ok, enough of the cheesy roofing jokes. We take a …
Author Archives: madison
What Color Roofing Shingles Should I Get
Why is it important to choose the right color shingles for your roof? Take this into consideration. When you drive by someone’s home one of the most visible aspects of that home is the roof. The roof plays a key role in how a home is evaluated. Anywhere from twenty to forty percent of a …
Radiant Barrier Roof Sheathing
Radiant Barrier Roofing Decking Stay cool, dude! Ok, so you might be able to “stay cool dude” in certain parts of the country where the temperature doesn’t reach a hundred degrees plus in the summers, but if you don’t, the sun can make even a home with air conditioning unbearable sometimes. You know you can …
The Purpose of Drip Edge
The Purpose of Drip Edge We never think of a drip as a good thing. It’s not a good thing when a faucet drips, or an oil pan drips, or when people are dripping with sweat. Yuk! Well dripping in the roofing business isn’t a good thing either. When it comes to roofing… water is …